Become a member and be part of our community
Show your support by making a small donation
Support the kids by sharing your knowledge, skills or experiences
The school needs learning resources to provide a holistic Education
Continue to support a child into secondary education on mainland Lombok
As the official non profit organisation is in Germany for now only people of German nationality can become a member. Benefits include being kept up to date with news about what’s going on. Donations are tax deductible and certificates can be provided. Please download the form beside and return it to us via email after completing it.
Make a small donation to Gili Asahan Eco Lodge reception or by transfer. Through your donations you will help us cover the teacher’s salary and transport, sponsor the older kids high school education and their transport, provide materials for the classroom, make the necessary repairs to the building and build a new library. Our current monthly fix costs are around 13.760.000 IDR (±813Euro) a month.
Name: Kids of Asahan e.V.
IBAN: DE03 8306 5408 0004 1245 29
School Material:
Our class currently consists of 25 students.
Medicine: Especially medicine for skin problems like Mupirocin as well as bandages, band-aids, disinfectants and other first aid supplies
Please contact us before you come to check what Kids of Asahan need most.
Please note: It’s an important part of our philosophy to hand over this materials to the teachers not to the kids to avoid negative associations between visitors and wealth and to ensure the fair distribution and preservation of your kind donations.
After 6thgrade (11-12 years old) children travel to the mainland to continue their Education. Unfortunately, many children aren’t able to do so. If you would like to sponsor a child, you can support them through their secondary education, see them grow up….